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Day 77, 78, 79

I did disc 11 on 77 and 12 on 78 and I just finished Cardio 1 on day 79. I know it should be Cardio 3 but I don’t like it and it makes a lot of racket and I live upstairs. Some movement is better than no movement right? My shorts fell off during running man’s and I have been strutting around half naked lately because I like how I look and even Mr. Adams likes how I look. He said I had a pretty butt! What? Ive never heard such a compliment and you know what it is a sweet compliment that I will take anytime!

Tomorrow is day 80! Ten more days on this program. I am glad I did this program. No regrets. I will continue to cook my meals in a healthy way and do regular exercise. This has been hard. How could someone do such hard work just to piss it away and have to start over again? Hell I ain’t getting any younger. No way not this Kat! I am going on a vacation soon and I am sure that in those four days I will not exercise much and I am sure I will eat and drink all that is bad, but you can be damn sure the day I am back I am exercising and getting back on track. I will probably gain five pounds but I will lose it.

I promise myself I will! 🙂

About kimberlyhoneykat

I am a hard working woman with a hard working husband and we want to get sexy again together. I love to read, watch movies, reality tv and cook.

4 responses to “Day 77, 78, 79

  1. ctminnesota ⋅

    You might be surprised at how you do on vacation! I actually wanted to workout on my vacation, was generally more active, and while I enjoyed eating whatever & whenever, I found we were so busy that I wasn’t eating nearly as often as I do at home!

    Love your attitude & I understand about not getting any younger. It just gets harder & harder every year to move that scale! Let’s get it where we want it, reclaim our health and keep it that way! WOO HOO!!

  2. Sara ⋅

    I just wanted to let you know that I have been following your blog for a while now. I read it everyday for inspiration:) I just started body revolution and am almost at the end of week 2. Great job sticking with it and working so hard! The results are so worth it and you motivate me!

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